Interface DevelocityApi

public interface DevelocityApi
Allows to interact with the Develocity Maven extension.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the access key for authenticating with the Develocity server.
    Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
    The build cache API.
    The build scan API.
    Returns whether to enable communication with Develocity server to automatically discover and select a Develocity Edge.
    Returns the project identifier.
    Returns the URL of the Develocity server.
    Returns the Develocity Maven extension storage directory.
    Whether the Develocity Maven extension is enabled.
    setAccessKey(String accessKey)
    Sets the access key for authenticating with the Develocity server.
    setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean allow)
    Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
    setEdgeDiscovery(boolean enabled)
    Specifies whether to enable discovery and automatic selection of a Develocity Edge.
    setEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Sets whether to enable the Develocity Maven extension.
    setProjectId(String projectId)
    Sets the project identifier.
    default void
    Sets the URL of the Develocity server.
    Sets the URL of the Develocity server.
    Sets the Develocity Maven extension storage directory to the specified path.
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Whether the Develocity Maven extension is enabled.
      true if the Develocity Maven extension is enabled, false otherwise
    • setEnabled

      void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether to enable the Develocity Maven extension.

      Configuration via the develocity.enabled system property will always take precedence.

      enabled - whether to enable the Develocity Maven extension
    • getProjectId

      @Nullable String getProjectId()
      Returns the project identifier.
      the project identifier or null
    • setProjectId

      void setProjectId(@Nullable String projectId)
      Sets the project identifier. The value must not be empty or exceed 256 characters.
      projectId - the project identifier or null
    • getStorageDirectory

      Path getStorageDirectory()
      Returns the Develocity Maven extension storage directory.
      the Develocity Maven extension storage directory.
      See Also:
    • setStorageDirectory

      void setStorageDirectory(Path path)
      Sets the Develocity Maven extension storage directory to the specified path.

      Configuration via the system property will always take precedence.

      path - The new storage directory
      See Also:
    • getServer

      @Nullable String getServer()
      Returns the URL of the Develocity server.
      the Develocity server or null
    • setServer

      default void setServer(@Nullable String url)
      Sets the URL of the Develocity server.

      Configuration via the develocity.url system property will always take precedence.

      url - the server URL or null
    • setServer

      void setServer(@Nullable URI url)
      Sets the URL of the Develocity server.

      Configuration via the develocity.url system property will always take precedence.

      url - the server URL or null
    • getAllowUntrustedServer

      boolean getAllowUntrustedServer()
      Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
      true if it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server with an untrusted SSL certificate
    • setAllowUntrustedServer

      void setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean allow)
      Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server using an untrusted SSL certificate.

      The default (public) Develocity server uses SSL certificates that are trusted by default by standard modern Java environments. If you are using a different Develocity server, it may use an untrusted certificate. This may be due to the use of an internally provisioned or self-signed certificate.

      In such a scenario, you can either configure the build JVM environment to trust the certificate, or call this method with true to disable verification of the server's identity. Alternatively, you may disable SSL completely for Develocity installation but this is not recommended.

      Allowing communication with untrusted servers keeps data encrypted during transmission, but makes it easy for a man-in-the-middle to impersonate the intended server and capture data.

      This value has no effect if a server is specified using the HTTP protocol (i.e. has SSL disabled).

      Configuration via the develocity.allowUntrustedServer system property will always take precedence.

      allow - whether to allow communication with an HTTPS server with an untrusted certificate
    • getAccessKey

      @Nullable String getAccessKey()
      Returns the access key for authenticating with the Develocity server.

      Only the value of the explicitly configured access key (via setAccessKey(String) or develocity.xml) is returned but not the value of an access key configured via the DEVELOCITY_ACCESS_KEY environment variable or access key file entry.

      the configured Develocity server access key, if available; otherwise, null
    • setAccessKey

      void setAccessKey(String accessKey)
      Sets the access key for authenticating with the Develocity server.

      An access key configured this way will take precedence over the DEVELOCITY_ACCESS_KEY environment variable or access key file entry associated with the server.

      accessKey - a Develocity server access key without any hostname prefix
    • getEdgeDiscovery

      boolean getEdgeDiscovery()
      Returns whether to enable communication with Develocity server to automatically discover and select a Develocity Edge.
      true if discovery and automatic selection of a Develocity Edge is enabled, or false by default
    • setEdgeDiscovery

      void setEdgeDiscovery(boolean enabled)
      Specifies whether to enable discovery and automatic selection of a Develocity Edge.

      The Develocity server (specified by setServer(String)) will be contacted to discover available Edges. An Edge is selected based on the user's Location settings in Develocity and is used by the Maven extension for remote build caching. In case the user has no Location preference set, the Develocity server will be used as the remote build cache target.

      • The specified Develocity server version supports Develocity Edge, which was introduced in Develocity 2024.3.
      • Access key authentication to Develocity is configured for the build (setAccessKey(java.lang.String)).
      A build cache address configured via RemoteBuildCache.getServer() is always used, overriding the result of Edge discovery.

      This value defaults to false.

    • getBuildScan

      BuildScanApi getBuildScan()
      The build scan API.
      the build scan API
    • getBuildCache

      BuildCacheApi getBuildCache()
      The build cache API.
      the build cache API