Class DeprecationNotice_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DeprecationNotice_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    A description of the deprecation of a Gradle feature that was used, one or more times, during the build.

    The notice is effectively the combination of (message, removalDetails and advice). Each unique combination appearing during the build will be in the event stream, once, and with a unique id.

    Where and when a deprecated feature was used is conveyed by a DeprecatedUsage_1_0, which refers to a notice.

    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final long id
        A unique ID for this notice.
      • message

        public final String message
        The description of the thing that was used that is deprecated.
      • removalDetails

        public final String removalDetails
        Details about when the deprecated feature will be removed from Gradle.
      • type

        public final String type
        The type of the deprecated usage.

        Expected values are:

        • USER_CODE_DIRECT - the notice has associated usages, with traces that indicate the user code that triggered the notice, and potentially owners.
        • USER_CODE_INDIRECT - the notice has associated usages, without traces (it was not used by user code) but potentially owners.
        • BUILD_INVOCATION - the notice has no associated usages (it is regarding something about how and where Gradle was invoked).
      • advice

        public final @Nullable String advice
        Advice on how to avoid using the deprecated feature (e.g. its replacement).
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecationNotice_1_0

        public DeprecationNotice_1_0​(long id,
                                     String message,
                                     String removalDetails,
                                     String type,
                                     @Nullable String advice)