Class DeprecatedUsage_1_0

    • Field Detail

      • notice

        public final long notice
        The ID of the DeprecationNotice_1_0 that describes the deprecated thing that was used.

        More than one usage may be of the same notice (i.e. deprecated feature).

      • stackTrace

        @Nullable("when build scan plugin >= 2.2")
        public final @Nullable("when build scan plugin >= 2.2") Long stackTrace
        The key of the stack trace in DeprecatedUsageTraceData_1_0.stackTraces indicating the call stack when the deprecated thing was used.

        A usage may share the same stack trace as another.

        Traces are only present for notices of type USER_CODE_DIRECT.

      • contextualAdvice

        @Nullable("when no advice specific to this usage is available")
        public final @Nullable("when no advice specific to this usage is available") String contextualAdvice
        Advice on how to avoid using the deprecated feature, that is specific to this particular usage.
      • owner

        @Nullable("when no logical owner can be determined")
        public final @Nullable("when no logical owner can be determined") DeprecatedUsageOwnerRef_1_0 owner
        The logical entity that owns the usage (e.g. the plugin or script).
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecatedUsage_1_0

        public DeprecatedUsage_1_0​(long notice,
                                   @Nullable Long stackTrace,
                                   @Nullable String contextualAdvice,
                                   @Nullable DeprecatedUsageOwnerRef_1_0 owner)