
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


ANDROID_CONNECTED - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.JUnitXmlDialect
Produced by the Gradle Android Plugin instrumentation tests
ANDROID_FIREBASE - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.JUnitXmlDialect
Produced by the Firebase Test Lab using (fladle/flank)
apply(Object) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityPlugin
apply(Object) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterprisePlugin
apply(Object) - Method in class com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanPlugin


background(Action<? super BuildScanConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Executes the given action in a background thread, allowing the current Gradle work to continue.
background(Action<? super BuildScanExtension>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Executes the given action in a background thread, allowing the current Gradle work to continue.
buildFinished(Action<? super BuildResult>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Registers a callback that is invoked when the build has finished, but before this extension stops accepting to be called.
buildFinished(Action<? super BuildResult>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Registers a callback that is invoked when the build has finished, but before this extension stops accepting to be called.
BuildResult - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
A description of the build result.
BuildResult - Interface in com.gradle.scan.plugin
since 3.17, replaced by BuildResult
buildScan(Action<? super BuildScanConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
Configure build scans.
buildScan(Action<? super BuildScanExtension>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Configures the build scan extension.
BuildScanCaptureConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
Allows configuring what data will be captured as part of the build scan.
BuildScanCaptureSettings - Interface in com.gradle.scan.plugin
since 3.17, replaced by BuildScanCaptureConfiguration
BuildScanConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
The configuration for Build Scan publication.
BuildScanDataObfuscation - Interface in com.gradle.scan.plugin
BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
Allows registering functions for obfuscating certain identifying information within build scans.
BuildScanExtension - Interface in com.gradle.scan.plugin
since 3.17, replaced by BuildScanConfiguration
BuildScanPlugin - Class in com.gradle.scan.plugin
since 3.17, replaced by DevelocityPlugin
BuildScanPlugin() - Constructor for class com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanPlugin
buildScanPublished(Action<? super PublishedBuildScan>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Registers a callback that is invoked when a build scan has been published successfully.
buildScanPublished(Action<? super PublishedBuildScan>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Registers a callback that is invoked when a build scan has been published successfully.
BuildScanPublishingConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
Allows configuring when a build scan should be published at the end of the build.
BuildScanPublishingConfiguration.PublishingContext - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
The context for evaluating conditions that determine whether a build scan should be published at the end of the build.


capture(Action<? super BuildScanCaptureConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows configuring what data will be captured as part of the build scan.
capture(Action<? super BuildScanCaptureSettings>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Allows configuring what data will be captured as part of the build scan.
classRetry(Action<? super TestRetryConfiguration.ClassRetryCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
classRetry(Action<? super TestRetryExtension.ClassRetryCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle - package com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle
com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache - package com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache
com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan - package com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test - package com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin - package com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin
com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution - package com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution
com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry - package com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry
com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection - package com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection
com.gradle.scan.plugin - package com.gradle.scan.plugin
CONSERVATIVE - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
CONSERVATIVE - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile


DevelocityBuildCache - Class in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache
Allows configuring the use of a Develocity build cache.
DevelocityBuildCache() - Constructor for class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword - Class in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache
A value type representing both a username and password.
DevelocityConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle
The DSL extension for configuring Develocity, with the name develocity.
DevelocityPlugin - Class in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle
The Develocity Gradle plugin enables integration with Develocity and
DevelocityPlugin() - Constructor for class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityPlugin
DevelocityTestConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
The DSL extension for configuring Develocity testing features, with the name develocity.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
equals(Object) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
externalProcessName(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration
Registers a function to transform the names of external processes captured when resource usage capturing is enabled.
externalProcessName(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanDataObfuscation
Registers a function to transform the names of external processes captured when resource usage capturing is enabled.


FAST - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
FAST - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
filter(Action<? super TestRetryConfiguration.Filter>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The filter for specifying which tests may be retried.
filter(Action<? super TestRetryExtension.Filter>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The filter for specifying which tests may be retried.


GENERIC - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.JUnitXmlDialect
Dialect used for JUnit XML reports where no specific dialect is available.
getAccessKey() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
The access key for authenticating with the Develocity server.
getAccessKey() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Returns the access key for authenticating with the Gradle Enterprise server.
getAllowInsecureProtocol() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Whether the use of plain/unencrypted HTTP is allowed when communicating with the build cache server.
getAllowInsecureProtocol() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Whether the use of plain/unencrypted HTTP is allowed when communicating with the build cache server.
getAllowUntrustedServer() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a build cache server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
getAllowUntrustedServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Develocity server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
getAllowUntrustedServer() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a build cache server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
getAllowUntrustedServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a build scan server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
getAllowUntrustedServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Whether it is acceptable to communicate with a build scan server with an untrusted SSL certificate.
getBuildCache() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
The type to be used for registering the Develocity build cache with Gradle.
getBuildCache() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
The type to be used for registering the Gradle Enterprise build cache with Gradle.
getBuildLogging() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanCaptureConfiguration
Specifies whether to capture build logging output.
getBuildResult() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanPublishingConfiguration.PublishingContext
getBuildScan() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
The build scan configuration.
getBuildScan() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
The build scan extension.
getBuildScanId() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.PublishedBuildScan
The ID of the build scan.
getBuildScanId() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.PublishedBuildScan
The ID of the build scan.
getBuildScanUri() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.PublishedBuildScan
The complete address of the build scan.
getBuildScanUri() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.PublishedBuildScan
The complete address of the build scan.
getCapture() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows configuring what data will be captured as part of the build scan.
getCapture() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Allows configuring what data will be captured as part of the build scan.
getClassRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
getClassRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
getDialect() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
Configures the JUnit XML dialect.
getEnabled() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
Whether Predictive Test Selection is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
Whether test distribution is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
Whether test distribution is enabled.
getEnabled() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
Whether Predictive Test Selection is enabled.
getExcludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.Filter
The patterns used to exclude tests based on their class level annotations.
getExcludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.Filter
The patterns used to exclude tests based on their class level annotations.
getExcludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.Filter
The patterns used to exclude tests based on their class name.
getExcludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.Filter
The patterns used to exclude tests based on their class name.
getFailOnPassedAfterRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
Whether tests that initially fail and then pass on retry should fail the task.
getFailOnPassedAfterRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
Whether tests that initially fail and then pass on retry should fail the task.
getFailOnSkippedAfterRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
Whether tests that initially fail and then are skipped on retry should fail the task.
getFailure() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildResult
The source of the build failure, when the build fails.
getFailures() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildResult
The sources of the build failure, when the build fails.
getFallbackToRegularExecutionOnMissingJUnitPlatform() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
Whether Test Distribution should fall back to regular execution, if JUnit Platform is not enabled.
getFallbackToRegularExecutionOnMissingJUnitPlatform() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
Whether Predictive Test Selection should fall back to regular execution, if JUnit Platform is not enabled.
getFallbackToRegularExecutionOnMissingPrerequisites() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
Whether Predictive Test Selection should fall back to regular execution, if JUnit Platform is not enabled.
getFallbackToRegularExecutionOnMissingPrerequisites() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
Whether Test Distribution should fall back to regular execution, if JUnit Platform is not enabled.
getFileFingerprints() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanCaptureConfiguration
Specifies whether to capture information about each file used as an input to a unit of work.
getFilter() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The filter for specifying which tests may be retried.
getFilter() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The filter for specifying which tests may be retried.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration.MustRunCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration.RestrictedExecutionCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.ClassRetryCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.Filter
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension.RestrictedExecutionCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.ClassRetryCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.Filter
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeAnnotationClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension.MustRunCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class level annotations.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration.MustRunCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration.RestrictedExecutionCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.ClassRetryCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration.Filter
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension.RestrictedExecutionCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.ClassRetryCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension.Filter
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getIncludeClasses() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension.MustRunCriteria
The patterns used to include tests based on their class name.
getLocalOnly() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on local executors.
getLocalOnly() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on local executors.
getMaxFailures() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The maximum number of test failures that are allowed before retrying is disabled.
getMaxFailures() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The maximum number of test failures that are allowed before retrying is disabled.
getMaxLocalExecutors() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The number of executors to use for running tests on this machine.
getMaxLocalExecutors() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The number of executors to use for running tests on this machine.
getMaxRemoteExecutors() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The number of remote executors that should be requested from the remote test execution infrastructure in order run the tests of this test task.
getMaxRemoteExecutors() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The number of remote executors that should be requested from the remote test execution infrastructure in order run the tests of this test task.
getMaxRetries() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestRetryConfiguration
The maximum number of times to retry an individual test.
getMaxRetries() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The maximum number of times to retry an individual test.
getMode() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
The mode to use for selecting tests.
getMode() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
The mode to use for selecting tests.
getMustRun() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run.
getMustRun() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run.
getObfuscation() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows registering functions for obfuscating certain identifying information within build scans.
getObfuscation() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Allows registering functions for obfuscating certain identifying information within build scans.
getPassword() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
getPassword() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
getPath() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
The custom request path for the build cache server.
getPath() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
The custom request path for the build cache server.
getPredictiveTestSelection() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
The Predictive Test Selection configuration.
getProfile() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
The selection profile to use for selecting tests.
getProfile() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
The selection profile to use for selecting tests.
getProjectId() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
The project identifier.
getProjectId() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Returns the project identifier.
getPublishing() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows configuring when a build scan should be published at the end of the build.
getReferenceTask() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
The reference task to which the tests should be attributed.
getReferenceTaskBuildPath() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
getReferenceTaskTaskPath() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
getRemoteExecutionPreferred() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
If enabled, remote executors are tried first, falling back to local ones after waitTimeout expires.
getRemoteExecutionPreferred() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
If enabled, remote executors are tried first, falling back to local ones after waitTimeout expires.
getRemoteOnly() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on remote executors.
getRemoteOnly() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on remote executors.
getReports() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
The JUnit XML report files that should be imported.
getRequirements() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The requirements that need to be fulfilled by executors in order to execute the tests of this test task.
getRequirements() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The requirements that need to be fulfilled by executors in order to execute the tests of this test task.
getResourceUsage() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanCaptureConfiguration
Specifies whether to capture information about the resources used by the build.
getRetryInSameJvm() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
If enabled, the tests will be retried in the same JVM.
getRetryInSameJvm() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
If enabled, the tests will be retried in the same JVM.
getServer() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
The address of the build cache server to use, if not using the built-in build cache of the server specified by DevelocityConfiguration.getServer().
getServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityConfiguration
The URL of the Develocity server.
getServer() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
The address of the build cache server to use, if not using the built-in build cache of the server specified by GradleEnterpriseExtension.getServer().
getServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Returns the URL of the Gradle Enterprise server.
getServer() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Returns the URL of the Gradle Enterprise server to which the build scans are published.
getTermsOfServiceAgree() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
The agreement of the Gradle Terms of Use specified under BuildScanExtension.setTermsOfServiceUrl(String).
getTermsOfServiceUrl() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
The location of the Gradle Terms of Use that are agreed to when creating a build scan.
getTermsOfUseAgree() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
The agreement of the Gradle Terms of Use.
getTermsOfUseUrl() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
The location of the Gradle Terms of Use that are agreed to when creating a build scan.
getTestDistribution() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
The Test Distribution configuration.
getTestLogging() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanCaptureConfiguration
Specifies whether to capture test logging output.
getTestRetry() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
The test retry configuration.
getUploadInBackground() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Specifies whether to upload the build scan in background after the build has finished.
getUseExpectContinue() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Whether to use HTTP Expect-Continue when storing data on the build cache server.
getUseExpectContinue() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Whether to use HTTP Expect-Continue when storing data on the build cache server.
getUsername() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
getUsername() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
getUsernameAndPassword() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
The username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
getUsernameAndPassword() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
The username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
getWaitTimeout() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The duration the build waits for the remote test execution infrastructure to respond.
getWaitTimeout() - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The duration the build waits for the remote test execution infrastructure to respond.
GradleEnterpriseBuildCache - Class in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin
since 3.17, replaced by DevelocityBuildCache
GradleEnterpriseBuildCache() - Constructor for class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword - Class in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin
GradleEnterpriseExtension - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin
since 3.17, replaced by DevelocityConfiguration
GradleEnterprisePlugin - Class in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin
since 3.17, replaced by DevelocityPlugin
GradleEnterprisePlugin() - Constructor for class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterprisePlugin


hashCode() - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
hashCode() - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
hostname(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration
Registers a function to transform the local hostname and public hostname captured.
hostname(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanDataObfuscation
Registers a function to transform the local hostname and public hostname captured.


ImportJUnitXmlReports - Class in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
Imports JUnit XML reports into the build's Develocity build scan.
ImportJUnitXmlReports(BuildOperationListenerManager, BuildScanClock, ObjectFactory, Gradle) - Constructor for class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
ipAddresses(Function<? super List<InetAddress>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration
Registers a function used to transform the IP addresses captured.
ipAddresses(Function<? super List<InetAddress>, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanDataObfuscation
Registers a function used to transform the IP addresses captured.
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanPublishingConfiguration.PublishingContext
isBuildLogging() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
isCaptureTaskInputFiles() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
isMultiApplicationEnabled() - Static method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.DevelocityPlugin
isResourceUsage() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
isTaskInputFiles() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
isTestLogging() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
isUploadInBackground() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension


JUnitXmlDialect - Enum in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
Supported JUnit XML report file dialects


link(String, String) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Captures a named link for the current build.
link(String, String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Captures a named link for the current build.
localOnly(Action<? super TestDistributionConfiguration.RestrictedExecutionCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on local executors.
localOnly(Action<? super TestDistributionExtension.RestrictedExecutionCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on local executors.
LOGGER - Static variable in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports


mustRun(Action<? super PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration.MustRunCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run.
mustRun(Action<? super PredictiveTestSelectionExtension.MustRunCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run.


NAME - Static variable in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
The name of the extension added to the root project (for Gradle 5.x) or settings (for Gradle 6.0 and later).
NAME - Static variable in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The name of the extension added to each test task.
NAME - Static variable in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry.TestRetryExtension
The name of the extension added to each test task.
NAME - Static variable in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionExtension
The name of the extension added to each test task.


obfuscation(Action<? super BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows registering functions for obfuscating certain identifying information within build scans.
obfuscation(Action<? super BuildScanDataObfuscation>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Allows registering functions for obfuscating certain identifying information within build scans.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
onlyIf(Spec<? super BuildScanPublishingConfiguration.PublishingContext>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanPublishingConfiguration
Specify a condition for when a build scan should be published at the end of the build.


pluginApplicationTargetDisplayName(Object) - Static method in class com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanPlugin
predictiveTestSelection(Action<? super PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
Configure Predictive Test Selection.
PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
Task extension for configuring Predictive Test Selection.
PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration.MustRunCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
A set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run.
PredictiveTestSelectionExtension - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection
since 3.17, replaced by PredictiveTestSelectionConfiguration
PredictiveTestSelectionExtension.MustRunCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection
PredictiveTestSelectionMode - Enum in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
Mode to use for selecting tests.
PredictiveTestSelectionMode - Enum in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection
since 3.17, replaced by PredictiveTestSelectionMode
PredictiveTestSelectionProfile - Enum in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
The profile for selecting tests.
PredictiveTestSelectionProfile - Enum in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection
since 3.17, replaced by PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
publishAlways() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Indicates that a build scan should be published at the end of the build, regardless of whether the build succeeded or failed.
publishAlwaysIf(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Indicates that, if the given condition is true, a build scan should be published at the end of the build, regardless of whether the build succeeded or failed.
PublishedBuildScan - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan
A reference to a published build scan.
PublishedBuildScan - Interface in com.gradle.scan.plugin
since 3.17, replaced by PublishedBuildScan
publishing(Action<? super BuildScanPublishingConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Allows configuring when a build scan should be published at the end of the build.
publishOnFailure() - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Indicates that a build scan should be published at the end of the build, if and only if the build failed.
publishOnFailureIf(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Indicates that, if the given condition is true, a build scan should be published at the end of the build, if and only if the build failed.


register(TaskContainer, TaskProvider<?>, JUnitXmlDialect) - Static method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.ImportJUnitXmlReports
Helper method to lazily register and configure an import task.
RELEVANT_TESTS - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
In this mode, test classes are selected according to their predicted relevance.
RELEVANT_TESTS - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
In this mode, test classes are selected according to their predicted relevance.
REMAINING_TESTS - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
In this mode, all test classes that have not yet had a successful or flaky outcome for the same inputs will be selected.
REMAINING_TESTS - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
In this mode, all test classes that have not yet had a successful or flaky outcome for the same inputs will be selected.
remoteOnly(Action<? super TestDistributionConfiguration.RestrictedExecutionCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.TestDistributionConfiguration
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on remote executors.
remoteOnly(Action<? super TestDistributionExtension.RestrictedExecutionCriteria>) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution.TestDistributionExtension
The set of criteria for specifying which tests must always run on remote executors.


setAccessKey(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Sets the access key for authenticating with the Gradle Enterprise server.
setAllowInsecureProtocol(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Sets whether the use of plain/unencrypted HTTP is allowed when communicating with the build cache server.
setAllowInsecureProtocol(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Sets whether the use of plain/unencrypted HTTP is allowed when communicating with the build cache server.
setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with the build cache server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with the build cache server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Gradle Enterprise server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
setAllowUntrustedServer(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Specifies whether it is acceptable to communicate with a Gradle Enterprise server using an untrusted SSL certificate.
setBuildLogging(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
Specifies whether to capture build logging output.
setCaptureTaskInputFiles(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
setPath(String) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Set a custom request path for the build cache server specified by DevelocityBuildCache.getServer() or DevelocityConfiguration.getServer().
setPath(String) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Set a custom request path for the build cache server specified by GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.getServer() or GradleEnterpriseExtension.getServer().
setProjectId(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Sets the project identifier.
setResourceUsage(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
Specifies whether to capture information about the resources used by the build.
setServer(String) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Sets the build cache server address to use, if not using the default build cache of the server specified by DevelocityConfiguration.getServer().
setServer(String) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Sets the build cache server address to use, if not using the default build cache of the server specified by GradleEnterpriseExtension.getServer().
setServer(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseExtension
Sets the URL of the Gradle Enterprise server.
setServer(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Sets the URL of the Gradle Enterprise server to which the build scans are published.
setTaskInputFiles(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
Specifies whether to capture information about each file used as an input to a task.
setTermsOfServiceAgree(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Indicates whether the Gradle Terms of Use specified under BuildScanExtension.setTermsOfServiceUrl(String) are agreed to.
setTermsOfServiceUrl(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
The location of the Gradle Terms of Use that are agreed to when creating a build scan.
setTestLogging(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanCaptureSettings
Specifies whether to capture test logging output.
setUploadInBackground(boolean) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Specifies whether to upload the build scan in background after the build has finished.
setUseExpectContinue(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Sets whether to use HTTP Expect-Continue when storing data on the build cache server.
setUseExpectContinue(boolean) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Sets whether to use HTTP Expect-Continue when storing data on the build cache server.
setUsernameAndPassword(DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Sets the username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
setUsernameAndPassword(GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Sets the username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile


tag(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Captures a tag for the current build.
tag(String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Captures a tag for the current build.
testDistribution(Action<? super TestDistributionConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
Configure Test Distribution.
TestDistributionConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
The configuration for Test Distribution.
TestDistributionConfiguration.RestrictedExecutionCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
A set of criteria for specifying which tests must run on local or remote executors only.
TestDistributionExtension - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution
since 3.17, replaced by TestDistributionConfiguration
TestDistributionExtension.RestrictedExecutionCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testdistribution
testRetry(Action<? super TestRetryConfiguration>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.DevelocityTestConfiguration
Configure test retries.
TestRetryConfiguration - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
Task extension for configuring Test Retry.
TestRetryConfiguration.ClassRetryCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
TestRetryConfiguration.Filter - Interface in com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test
A filter for specifying which tests may be retried.
TestRetryExtension - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry
since 3.17, replaced by TestRetryConfiguration
TestRetryExtension.ClassRetryCriteria - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry
The set of criteria specifying which test classes must be retried as a whole unit if retries are enabled and the test class passes the configured filter.
TestRetryExtension.Filter - Interface in com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testretry
A filter for specifying which tests may be retried.


username(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanDataObfuscationConfiguration
Registers a function to transform the username captured.
username(Function<? super String, ? extends String>) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanDataObfuscation
Registers a function to transform the username captured.
usernameAndPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache
Sets the username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
usernameAndPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache
Sets the username/password to use to authenticate with the build cache server.
UsernameAndPassword(String, String) - Constructor for class com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.buildcache.DevelocityBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword
UsernameAndPassword(String, String) - Constructor for class com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.GradleEnterpriseBuildCache.UsernameAndPassword


value(String, String) - Method in interface com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.scan.BuildScanConfiguration
Captures a named value for the current build.
value(String, String) - Method in interface com.gradle.scan.plugin.BuildScanExtension
Captures a named value for the current build.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.JUnitXmlDialect
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.JUnitXmlDialect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gradle.develocity.agent.gradle.test.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.gradle.enterprise.gradleplugin.testselection.PredictiveTestSelectionProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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