Class MvnBuildCacheConfiguration_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class MvnBuildCacheConfiguration_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    An EventData describing the build cache configuration of the build.

    An event stream will contain a single MvnBuildCacheConfiguration_1_0.

    • Field Detail

      • disabledReasonCategory

        @Nullable("when the cache is globally enabled")
        public final @Nullable("when the cache is globally enabled") MvnBuildCachingDisabledReasonCategory_1 disabledReasonCategory
        The reason why the cache was globally disabled.
      • disabledReason

        @Nullable("when the cache is globally enabled")
        public final @Nullable("when the cache is globally enabled") String disabledReason
        The specific reason why the cache was globally disabled.
      • local

        @Nullable("when local cache is not configured")
        public final @Nullable("when local cache is not configured") MvnBuildCacheLocalConnector_1_0 local
        Represents the effective local build cache configuration.
      • remote

        @Nullable("when remote cache is not configured")
        public final @Nullable("when remote cache is not configured") MvnBuildCacheRemoteConnector_1_0 remote
        Represents the effective remote build cache configuration.