Class TestExecutorAssigned_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TestExecutorAssigned_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    Captures the data about the test executor assigned to execute test classes of a test task.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      @Nullable("if local executor is assigned or if is equal to name") String hostname
      The hostname of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      long id
      The ID of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      boolean isRemote
      Indicates whether assigned executor is local or remote.
      String name
      The name of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      @Nullable("if a local test executor was assigned") String poolId
      The ID of the Test Distribution executor pool the executor belongs to.
      long task
      The ID of the test task the agent was assigned to.
    • Field Detail

      • task

        public final long task
        The ID of the test task the agent was assigned to.

        Corresponds to

      • id

        public final long id
        The ID of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      • isRemote

        public final boolean isRemote
        Indicates whether assigned executor is local or remote.
      • name

        public final String name
        The name of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      • hostname

        @Nullable("if local executor is assigned or if is equal to name")
        public final @Nullable("if local executor is assigned or if is equal to name") String hostname
        The hostname of the test executor assigned to the test task.
      • poolId

        @Nullable("if a local test executor was assigned")
        public final @Nullable("if a local test executor was assigned") String poolId
        The ID of the Test Distribution executor pool the executor belongs to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TestExecutorAssigned_1_0

        public TestExecutorAssigned_1_0​(long task,
                                        long id,
                                        boolean isRemote,
                                        String name,
                                        @Nullable String hostname,
                                        @Nullable String poolId)