Class ComponentDependency_3_0

    • Field Detail

      • requested

        @Nullable("when requested is not different to selected or attempted")
        public final @Nullable("when requested is not different to selected or attempted") Integer requested
        The index within ConfigurationResolutionData_2_0.identities of the requested component identity.

        null when the requested component is not different to the selected or attempted.

      • to

        @Nullable("when the resolution fails")
        public final @Nullable("when the resolution fails") Integer to
        The index within ConfigurationResolutionData_2_0.identities of the selected component identity.

        null when dependency resolution has failed.

      • attempted

        @Nullable("when the resolution fails")
        public final @Nullable("when the resolution fails") Integer attempted
        The index within ConfigurationResolutionData_2_0.identities of the component identity that was attempted to be resolved.

        null when dependency resolution was successful.

      • attemptedReasons

        @Nullable("when the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected")
        public final @Nullable("when the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected") List<Integer> attemptedReasons
        The list of indices within ConfigurationResolutionData_2_0.selectionDescriptors of the reasons why the attempted component was attempted.

        Empty if the resolution failed, but there were no reasons. null if the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected

      • constraint

        public final boolean constraint
        Flag to indicate whether this dependency was resolved using a constraint.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentDependency_3_0

        public ComponentDependency_3_0​(@Nullable
                                       @Nullable Integer requested,
                                       @Nullable Integer to,
                                       @Nullable Integer attempted,
                                       @Nullable List<Integer> attemptedReasons,
                                       @Nullable List<Integer> attributes,
                                       @Nullable List<Integer> capabilities,
                                       boolean constraint)