Class ComponentDependency_2_1

    • Field Detail

      • attemptedReasons

        @Nullable("when the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected")
        public final @Nullable("when the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected") List<Long> attemptedReasons
        The reasons why the attempted component was attempted.

        These are IDs to interned selection descriptors on ConfigurationResolutionData_1_3.selectionDescriptors.

        Empty if the resolution failed, but there were no reasons. null if the resolution succeeds or if the attempted was expected

      • attributes

        @Nullable("For Gradle < 5.6")
        public final @Nullable("For Gradle < 5.6") List<Long> attributes
        List of requested attributes for the dependency.

        These are IDs to interned attributes on ConfigurationResolutionData_1_3.attributes.

        Empty if there were no specific attributes requested. null for Gradle < 5.6.

      • capabilities

        @Nullable("For Gradle < 5.6")
        public final @Nullable("For Gradle < 5.6") List<Long> capabilities
        List of requested capabilities for the dependency.

        These are IDs to interned capabilities on ConfigurationResolutionData_1_3.capabilities.

        Empty if there were no specific capabilities requested. null for Gradle < 5.6.

      • constraint

        public final boolean constraint
        Flag to indicate whether this dependency was resolved using a constraint.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentDependency_2_1

        public ComponentDependency_2_1​(@Nullable
                                       @Nullable Long requested,
                                       @Nullable Long to,
                                       @Nullable Long attempted,
                                       @Nullable List<Long> attemptedReasons,
                                       @Nullable List<Long> attributes,
                                       @Nullable List<Long> capabilities,
                                       boolean constraint)