Class CollectionCallbackExecutionAggregate_1_0

    • Field Detail

      • during

        @Nullable("when the same as the immediately preceding execution\'s during")
        public final @Nullable("when the same as the immediately preceding execution\'s during") Integer during
        The index of the entity that was executing when this callback executed.

        The index pertains to the enclosing CollectionCallbackData_1_0.participants property.

        If the value is the same as the immediately preceding execution's during, the value will be null. Never null for the first execution.

      • owner

        @Nullable("when the same as the immediately preceding execution\'s owner")
        public final @Nullable("when the same as the immediately preceding execution\'s owner") Integer owner
        The index of the entity that registered this callback.

        This is the entity that was executing when the callback was originally executed.

        The index pertains to the enclosing CollectionCallbackData_1_0.participants property.

        If the value is the same as the immediately preceding execution's owner, the value will be null. Never null for the first execution.

      • duration

        public final long duration
        Total amount of time spent executing callbacks with the given during and owner.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectionCallbackExecutionAggregate_1_0

        public CollectionCallbackExecutionAggregate_1_0​(@Nullable
                                                        @Nullable Integer during,
                                                        @Nullable Integer owner,
                                                        long duration)