Class TaskRegistrationStarted_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TaskRegistrationStarted_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    An EventData that is published when a task is registered for creation.

    This event will be emitted when a task is registered using TaskContainer.register(). At most one of these events will be emitted per task registered. There will be a later TaskRealizationStarted/TaskRealizationEnded pair with the same id if this task is later realized, which will happen if the task is included in the task graph for execution or if it is realized in build configuration code. If the task is replaced, events relating to the realization of the replacement will have a different id.

    See Also:
    for Develocity Gradle plugin 3.13+
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final long id
        The unique id of the task registration.
      • buildPath

        public final String buildPath
        The path of the build this task belongs to.
      • taskPath

        public final String taskPath
        The fully qualified name of the task.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskRegistrationStarted_1_0

        public TaskRegistrationStarted_1_0​(long id,
                                           String buildPath,
                                           String taskPath)