Class TaskRealizationStarted_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TaskRealizationStarted_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    An EventData that is published when a task is realized.

    When a task is created eagerly using TaskContainer.create() or TaskContainer.replace(), this event will be emitted with the eager flag set to true. When a task is registered and then created later, this event will be emitted with the eager flag set to false.

    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final long id
        The unique id of the task realization.
      • buildPath

        public final String buildPath
        The path of the build this task belongs to.
      • taskPath

        public final String taskPath
        The fully qualified name of the task.
      • eager

        public final boolean eager
        Whether the task was created eagerly using e.g. TaskContainer.create() or TaskContainer.replace().
      • replacement

        public final boolean replacement
        True when this task was replacing an existing task.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskRealizationStarted_1_0

        public TaskRealizationStarted_1_0​(long id,
                                          String buildPath,
                                          String taskPath,
                                          boolean eager,
                                          boolean replacement)