Class TaskFinished_1_7

    • Field Detail

      • skipReasonMessage

        @Nullable("if the task was not skipped or Gradle versions <7.6 are used")
        public final @Nullable("if the task was not skipped or Gradle versions <7.6 are used") String skipReasonMessage
        The detailed reason why the task was skipped

        null if the task was not skipped or Gradle versions <7.6 are used.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TaskFinished_1_7

        public TaskFinished_1_7​(long id,
                                String path,
                                TaskOutcome_1 outcome,
                                @Nullable String skipMessage,
                                boolean cacheable,
                                @Nullable String cachingDisabledReasonCategory,
                                @Nullable String cachingDisabledExplanation,
                                @Nullable String originBuildInvocationId,
                                @Nullable Long originExecutionTime,
                                boolean actionable,
                                List<String> upToDateMessages,
                                @Nullable String skipReasonMessage)