Class ScriptApplicationStarted_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ScriptApplicationStarted_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    An EventData that is published when applying a script has started.

    Zero or more ScriptApplicationStarted_1_0 events may be published.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.") String buildPath
      The build path of the target.
      @Nullable("when not applied from file") FileRef_1_0 file
      The details about the file from where the script was applied.
      long id
      The id of the script application activity.
      @Nullable("when the target is not a project") String targetPath
      The fully qualified name of the project that the script is applied to.
      @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.") String targetType
      The target of the script.
      @Nullable("when not applied from URI") String uri
      The uri from where the script was applied.
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final long id
        The id of the script application activity.
      • targetType

        @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.")
        public final @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.") String targetType
        The target of the script.
      • targetPath

        @Nullable("when the target is not a project")
        public final @Nullable("when the target is not a project") String targetPath
        The fully qualified name of the project that the script is applied to.
      • buildPath

        @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.")
        public final @Nullable("when the target is an arbitrary object, i.e. not a known type like project, gradle, settings, etc.") String buildPath
        The build path of the target.
      • file

        @Nullable("when not applied from file")
        public final @Nullable("when not applied from file") FileRef_1_0 file
        The details about the file from where the script was applied.
      • uri

        @Nullable("when not applied from URI")
        public final @Nullable("when not applied from URI") String uri
        The uri from where the script was applied.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptApplicationStarted_1_0

        public ScriptApplicationStarted_1_0​(long id,
                                            @Nullable String targetType,
                                            @Nullable String targetPath,
                                            @Nullable String buildPath,
                                            @Nullable FileRef_1_0 file,
                                            @Nullable String uri)