Class ScopeIds_1_0

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ScopeIds_1_0
    extends Object
    implements com.gradle.scan.eventmodel.EventData
    An EventData describing the scope IDs of the build invocation.

    Scope IDs are globally unique, automatically assigned by Gradle, IDs that can be used to identify build invocations, and to link related builds.

    An event stream will contain a single ScopeIds_1_0.

    • Field Detail

      • buildInvocationId

        public final String buildInvocationId
        Represents the ID of a build invocation.

        Each build invocation (i.e. invocation of Gradle) is assigned a different ID.

      • workspaceId

        public final String workspaceId
        Represents the persistent ID of a build checked out on disk.

        Gradle persists this ID within the root project directory (inside the .gradle directory). Therefore, all build scans that use this same root project directory will share the same workspace ID. If the .gradle directory is removed, a new ID will be assigned.

      • userId

        public final String userId
        Represents the persistent ID of a user.

        Gradle persists this ID within the GRADLE_USER_HOME directory (e.g. ~/.gradle). Therefore, all build scans that use this home directory (typically all build invocations by the same operating system user) share the same user ID. If this directory is removed, a new ID will be assigned.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ScopeIds_1_0

        public ScopeIds_1_0​(String buildInvocationId,
                            String workspaceId,
                            String userId)