## ## Global options relating to Gradle Enterprise as a whole rather than a specific subsystem. ## # # global: # ## ## Public URL ## # # hostname: ge.example.com # Hostname used to access the web interface by web browsers, etc. Required. # externalSSLTermination: true # If we are using HTTPS but not with termination in the built-in ingress or proxy. Default false. # externalPort: 8180 # Set to specify the external port the installation is available on. Only required if differs from `ingress.port.http(s)`. # ## ## Gradle Enterprise license settings ## ## Exactly one of these options must be set. ## ## If performing an online (ie not airgapped) installation that pulls images from the Gradle image registry, ## and you are setting the license via global.license.secretName, you will also need to set an imagePullSecret ## with the license in dockerconfigjson form. If setting the license via global.license.file, the image pull ## secret is generated automatically. ## # # license: # file: ABCD1234 # Full license file or Base64 data part of the license. Can also be set using --set-file global.license.file=/path/to/file # secretName: my-example-license-secret # Name of Secret that contains the license. License should be in the "license" key in the secret. # ## ## Image pull settings ## ## For airgap installations, the registry and an image pull secret that can pull from that registry are required. ## # # image: # registry: registry.example.com/gradle-enterprise # Registry to pull images from. Default registry.gradle.com/gradle-enterprise # imagePullSecret: my-example-image-pull-secret # # tag: some-custom-tag # Tag to pull. Default is the Gradle Enterprise version. # imagePullPolicy: Always # Default IfNotPresent. # ## ## Storage settings ## ## By default Gradle Enterprise will store data under /opt/gradle. ## This base directory can be configured, and separate directories for backups and logs can also be set. ## # # storage: # directory: /mnt/big-volume/ge # Default /opt/gradle # logs: # directory: /var/log/gradle-enterprise # Default (global.storage.directory)/logs # backup: # directory: /mnt/vol2/ge-backups # Default (global.storage.directory)/backups ## ## Unattended installation ## ## These cover auto-configuring aspects of Gradle Enterprise that are controlled by the Administration section of the application. ## Contact Gradle Support for assistance with unattended installation. ## WARNING: Making changes to the unattended configuration will *overwrite* any configuration changes made in the user interface. ## See https://docs.gradle.com/enterprise/helm-admin/current/#unattended_configuration for details. ## # # unattended: # key: oijqefoijqOIQJFoijefoiqjfoij # Encryption key for secrets in the configuration, if any. Default none. # configuration: # version: 5 # systemPassword: "FEIpqflj265QEFq2efq54e" # auth: # anonymousRoles: # - buildScanView # - buildScanPublish # advanced: # jvmOptions: # app: # heapMemory: 7168 # network: # additionalTrust: # Default none. # proxy: # protocol: https # Default http # host: proxy.gradle.com # port: 8080 # Default 80 # excludedHosts: # Default empty # - some.external # - '*.internal' # auth: # Default none # username: user # password: "FEIpqflj265QEFq2efq54e" # ## ## Database section ## ## By default, Gradle Enterprise will store data in an embedded database. ## To connect to a user-managed database, configure connection details here. ## # # database: # location: user-managed # Default "embedded" # ## ## Embedded database resources and storage ## ## If using the embedded database, its resources can be configured here. ## # # storage: # data: # capacity: 500Gi # Default 250Gi # backup: # capacity: 750Gi # Default 250Gi # ## ## User-managed database connection details ## ## Connection details can be set here directly or specified by a ConfigMap. ## # # connection: # configMapName: my-example-database-connection-config-map # # OR # host: db.example.com # Required for user-managed database if connection secret not provided. # port: 5555 # Default 5432 # databaseName: example_gradle_enterprise_prod # Required for user-managed database if connection secret not provided. # params: "?ssl=false" # No default. # ## ## User-managed database credentials ## ## Credentials details can be set here directly or specified by secrets. ## ## Typically only a superuser account credential is required - Gradle Enterprise can then create other ## necessary accounts and schemas for the app automatically. ## ## It is also possible to instead set up the database using a script and only configure the more restricted ## application account credentials here. ## # # credentials: # # superuser: # secretName: my-example-db-superuser-secret # # OR # username: postgres # password: "superS3cret!" # # # OR # app: # secretName: my-example-db-app-secret # # OR # password: "superS3cret!" # migrator: # secretName: my-example-db-migrator-secret # # OR # password: "superS3cret!" # ## ## End database section ## ## ## Ingress SSL settings ## ## By default, the generated Ingress will have HTTPS support and use self-signed SSL certificates. ## Both of these can be changed. Certificates can be set directly here, set using ## --set-file ingress.ssl.key=keyfile --set-file ingress.ssl.cert=certfile ## or set in a Secret. ## # # ssl: # enabled: false # Default true except if `global.externalSSLTermination: true` # # OR # key: | # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA4qV8JlqDMi7y85Ykq8dn7uIsi609D6KuFtlc+UvNYjatz0+u # ... # G7tI0qQ6F20e5R4tPpEDKCFZykyvgGMhfLzsvVlrgaVW8QbVK4YWNtQ= # -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # cert: | # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # MIIDKjCCAhKgAwIBAgIRAPNTIHf6/oUuzMKm3ffGNOgwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw # .. # z+P5RmRxU/kaaFB+Vuw1pRezbaAtZNorVgXnBwrdseY4zLGyhAcGcR9v+VtCiQ== # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # # OR # secretName: my-example-ingress-ssl-cert-secret # ## ## Ingress TCP ports ## ## The ports that the application accepts traffic on can be altered from the default of 443 (or 80 if ## accepting plain HTTP): ## # # port: # http: 8080 # default 80 # https: 8443 # default 443 # ## ## End ingress section ## ## ## Build cache node section # # buildCacheNode: # buildCacheBuiltin: # secretName: my-example-build-cache-builtin-secret # Being the key build.cache.builtin.secret # # OR # value: "superS3cret!" ## ## End build cache node section ## ## ## Authentication broker section ## # authenticationBroker: # adminPassword: # secretName: my-example-admin-password-secret # Being the key keycloak.admin.password # # OR # value: "superS3cret!" # clientSecret: # secretName: my-example-client-secret-secret # Being the key keycloak.client.secret # # OR # value: "superS3cret!" ## ## End authentication broker section #