This manual covers the installation of Develocity on Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service.
Develocity is a Kubernetes-based application, distributed as a Helm chart. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications. Develocity can generally be installed on Kubernetes clusters running modern Kubernetes versions. Compatibility between versions of Kubernetes, Helm and the Develocity can be found here. Later versions may be compatible but have not been verified to work.
Helm manages all Develocity components.
1. An AWS Account
An AWS paid account is required. Note that a free tier account is not sufficient.
This tutorial will not work on GovCloud accounts (us-gov regions). |
2. A Develocity License
If you have purchased Develocity or started a trial, you should already have a license file called develocity.license
. Otherwise, you may request a Develocity trial license.
3. An AWS IAM User
Grant the user that will manage the instance the AmazonEC2FullAccess
AWS managed policy.
To check the current user, run the following command:
aws sts get-caller-identity
If you are using AWS’s Cloud Shell (see section 1. AWS CLI), grant the user Cloud Shell permissions using the AWSCloudShellFullAccess
AWS managed policy.
If you choose to use Amazon RDS as your database or S3 to store your Build Scan data, you will need the additional permissions described in the appendices. |
The IAM user must have permissions to work with Amazon EKS IAM roles, service linked roles, AWS CloudFormation, a VPC, and related resources.
You will need the permissions described by eksctl’s minimum IAM policies.
Host Requirements
This section outlines cluster and host requirements for the installation.
1. Database
Develocity installations have two database options:
An embedded database that is highly dependent on disk performance.
A user-managed database that is compatible with PostgreSQL 12, 13, or 14, including Amazon RDS and Aurora.
By default, Develocity stores its data in a PostgreSQL database that is run as part of the application itself, with data being stored in a directory mounted on its host machine.
RDS Database
There are instructions for using Amazon RDS as a user-managed database in the RDS appendix. This can have a number of benefits, including easier resource scaling, backup management, and failover support.
2. Storage
Develocity uses persistent volume claims for storing data, logs, and backups. If your cluster is configured with a default StorageClass, this StorageClass will be used.
In case that there is no default StorageClass configured or that you want to use different StorageClasses, you will need to provide the name of the StorageClass to be used for provisioning persistent volumes.
Different StorageClasses can be specified for the different types of storage used.
It’s recommended to use faster StorageClasses for data and a separate slower, cost-efficient one for backups. |
Some Pods are associated with multiple persistent volumes and for Kubernetes platforms with multiple availability zones, the Pods and their persistent volumes must be located in the same zone. In this case it’s recommended to use a StorageClass with a volumeBindingMode
of WaitForFirstConsumer
to ensure that all persistent volumes are provisioned in the same zone that the pod was scheduled in.
It’s strongly recommended to use StorageClasses that allow persistent volume claim expansion if available. This makes expanding storage used as usage of Develocity increases straightforward.
The recommended minimum capacities for the persistent volumes are:
Description | Size in GB |
Build Scans |
250 |
Build Scans backups |
250 |
Build Cache |
10 |
Test Distribution |
10 |
Logs and Monitoring |
22 |
Embedded Object Storage |
10 |
If you are producing many Build Scans in a day (> 1GB) or intend to retain Build Scans for long periods of time (30 days+) you might want to consider provisioning more storage. If your storage class doesn’t allow expanding volumes, you should also consider preparing for future data growth by adding additional disk capacity upfront.
For production workloads, the data storage class should exhibit SSD-class disk performance of at least 3000 IOPS (input/output operations per second). The storage classes used for logs and backup volumes might be slower.
Disk performance has a significant impact on Develocity performance. Network file systems (such as Amazon EFS) are not compatible with Develocity due to their performance characteristics. |
Object storage
Develocity administrators can store Build Scan® data in an object storage service, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. This can help performance in high-traffic installations by reducing the load on the database. Object storage services offer performance and cost advantages compared to database storage. If you deploy Develocity to a cloud provider or have an available internal S3-compatible object store, Gradle recommends using object-based storage for your installation. See Build Scan object storage in the Develocity Administration Manual for a description of the benefits and limitations.
3. Network Connectivity
Develocity requires network connectivity for periodic license validation.
An installation of Develocity will not start if it cannot connect to both and . |
It is strongly recommended that production installations of Develocity are configured to use HTTPS with a trusted certificate.
When installing Develocity, you will need to provide a hostname, such as
If you decide to use Cloud Shell, complete sections 3. Eksctl, 4. Helm, 5. Hostname and then skip to Cluster Configuration.
You will be using the aws
command line to provision and configure your server. To install it on your local machine, follow the instructions in the AWS documentation. Use version 2.11.26 or later or 1.27.150 or later.
The aws
CLI must be configured with an access key to be able to access your AWS account. If you do not have an access key, follow the AWS CLI prerequisites guide, and then the quick setup guide.
If you have an access key already, but have not configured the aws
CLI, you can follow the AWS CLI quick setup guide.
Choose the region you wish to install Develocity in. Pick the region geographically closest to you or to any pre-existing compute resources, such as CI agents, to ensure the best performance. AWS provides a list of all available EKS regions.
2. Kubectl
is a command line tool for working with Kubernetes clusters. Use version 1.26 or later corresponding with your cluster version.
AWS hosts their own binaries of kubectl
, which you can install by following their guide.
You can also install kubectl
by following the steps in the Kubernetes documentation.
3. Eksctl
is a CLI tool for creating and managing EKS clusters. While you can use the AWS CLI, eksctl
is much easier to use.
To install it, follow AWS’s eksctl
installation guide.
$ curl --silent --location "$(uname -s)_amd64.tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
$ sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
If you are using Cloud Shell, replace the command above with:
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && mv /tmp/eksctl ~/.local/bin
4. Helm
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications.
If you are using Cloud Shell, first run:
$ export HELM_INSTALL_DIR=~/.local/bin
If for some reason you skipped the previous step, you will have to create the ~/.local/bin directory. |
Openssl is a requirement for Helm. Install it by running:
$ sudo yum install openssl -y
Alternatively, if you don’t use yum
, you can use sudo apt install openssl -y
, brew install openssl
, or your package manager of choice.
If you don’t want to install openssl , you can disable Helm’s installer checksum verification using export VERIFY_CHECKSUM=false . |
To install Helm, run:
$ curl | bash
See Helm’s installation documentation for more details and non-Linux instructions. |
5. Hostname
AWS will automatically assign a hostname like
to the load balancer you create for Develocity. You can use this hostname to access Develocity.
If you want to access Develocity by a host name of your choosing (e.g.
), you will need the ability to create the necessary DNS record to route this name to the AWS-created hostname.
We recommend using a custom hostname with AWS’s Route 53 instead of AWS’s generated hostname, since the hostname is unknown until Develocity is installed. |
Cluster Configuration
In this section you will create an EKS cluster to run Develocity.
Currently, Develocity only supports the |
1. Create a Cluster
Create your Amazon EKS cluster called develocity
To create it, run:
$ eksctl create cluster --name develocity \
--nodes 3 \ (1)
--instance-types=m5.xlarge \ (2)
--region us-west-1 (3)
1 | Recommended node group specification: three nodes with 4 CPU’s and 16GiB memory each |
2 | eg. m5.xlarge EC2 instances to fulfill requirements |
3 | Replace the region-code with your AWS Region of choice. |
[ℹ] creating EKS cluster "develocity" in "us-west-1" region with managed nodes [ℹ] building cluster stack "eksctl-develocitys-cluster" [ℹ] deploying stack "eksctl-develocitys-cluster" [✔] EKS cluster "develocitys" in "us-west-1" region is ready
This will take several minutes, and will add the cluster context to kubectl
when it is done (note that this will persist across Cloud Shell sessions).
creates a CloudFormation stack, which you can see in the CloudFormation web UI.
For more details, consult the eksctl getting started guide. |
2. Inspect Nodes
These are managed nodes that run Amazon Linux applications on Amazon EC2 instances.
Develocity does not support Fargate nodes out of the box, because Fargate nodes do not support any storage classes by default. |
Once your cluster is up and running, you will be able to see the nodes:
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE Ready <none> 7m1s Ready <none> 6m58s Ready <none> 6m58s
You can also see the workloads running on your cluster.
$ kubectl get pods -A -o wide
NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE kube-system aws-node-12345 1/1 Running 0 7m43s ip-192-0-2-1.region-code.compute.internal kube-system aws-node-67890 1/1 Running 0 7m46s ip-192-0-2-0.region-code.compute.internal kube-system aws-node-45690 1/1 Running 0 7m50s ip-192-0-2-3.region-code.compute.internal kube-system coredns-1234567890-abcde 1/1 Running 0 14m ip-192-0-2-5.region-code.compute.internal kube-system coredns-1234567890-12345 1/1 Running 0 14m ip-192-0-2-4.region-code.compute.internal kube-system kube-proxy-12345 1/1 Running 0 7m46s ip-192-0-2-0.region-code.compute.internal kube-system kube-proxy-67890 1/1 Running 0 7m43s ip-192-0-2-1.region-code.compute.internal kube-system kube-proxy-45690 1/1 Running 0 7m43s ip-192-0-2-3.region-code.compute.internal
3. Create a Storage Class
This guide uses the embedded database. You may have a different setup depending on your Helm values file.
Instructions for using Amazon RDS as a user-managed database in the appendix. |
To use EBS volumes, you need to install the EBS CSI driver.
First, enable OIDC for your cluster and create a service account for the driver to use:
$ eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --cluster develocity --approve
$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name ebs-csi-controller-sa \
--namespace kube-system \
--cluster develocity \
--attach-policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy" \
--approve \
--role-only \
--role-name eksctl-managed-AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole
Then install the driver:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ eksctl create addon \
--name aws-ebs-csi-driver \
--cluster develocity \
--force \
--service-account-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/eksctl-managed-AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole"
For more details on installing and managing the EBS CSI driver, see AWS’s documentation. |
To use gp3
volumes, first add a gp3
storage class to the cluster. Create the manifest file:
kind: StorageClass
name: gp3
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
type: gp3
Then run the command to apply it:
kubectl apply -f gp3.yaml
For more details on the options available for EBS volumes using the CSI driver, see the driver’s GitHub project, specifically the StorageClass parameters documentation. |
The Build Scan® service of Develocity can be configured to store the data in a Amazon S3 bucket. This can help performance in high-traffic installations by taking load off the database. See the appendix for details.
4. Install Ingress Controller
In this tutorial, we will use the AWS Load Balancer Controller to automatically manage AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) objects.
The following are condensed instructions from Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on. |
First, we create some required AWS resources:
$ curl -O
$ aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
--policy-document file://iam_policy.json
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--cluster=develocity \
--namespace=kube-system \
--name=aws-load-balancer-controller \
--role-name AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole \
--attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
Then install the AWS Load Balancer Controller:
$ helm repo add eks
$ helm repo update eks
$ helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller \
-n kube-system \
--set clusterName=develocity \
--set serviceAccount.create=false \
Finally, check whether the controller has been successfully installed:
$ kubectl get deployment -n kube-system aws-load-balancer-controller
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE aws-load-balancer-controller 2/2 2 2 27s
In this section you will install Develocity on your newly created instance.
1. Prepare a Helm values file
Installation options for Develocity are depicted in a Helm values file.
Follow the instructions in the Kubernetes Helm Chart Configuration Guide and return to this document with a complete values.yaml
For the usage of ALB as ingress controller, you require these additional values:
externalSSLTermination: true (1)
ingressClassName: alb
annotations: internet-facing '[{"HTTPS":443}]' '443' (2) ip
grpc: (3)
serviceAnnotations: '12' GRPC / '6011'
serviceAnnotations: HTTP1 /ping '9080'
1 | ALB terminates SSL connections |
2 | All HTTP traffic is redirected to HTTPS by the load balancer |
3 | Required for usage with Bazel |
You can use AWS’s certificate management service to manage a trusted SSL certificate and provide it to your ingress. To use it, configure the ingress controller service using AWS’s annotations, and configure Develocity for external SSL termination. Note that this requires using a hostname you own. |
This tutorial assumes you use a valid, self-signed certificate for the used hostname in AWS Certificate Manager like this:
aws acm import-certificate --certificate file:// --private-key file://
Now ALB can auto discovered the certificate.
Please consult Connecting to Develocity for using a self-signed certificate with the Develocity Gradle plugin. |
2. Install the Helm chart
Add the
helm repository and update it:
$ helm repo add gradle
$ helm repo update gradle
3. Install Develocity
Run helm install
with the following command:
$ helm install \
--create-namespace --namespace develocity \
develocity \
gradle/gradle-enterprise \
--values path/to/values.yaml \(1)
--set-file global.license.file=path/to/develocity.license (2)
You should see output similar to this:
NAME: develocity LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul 13 04:08:35 2022 NAMESPACE: develocity STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
4. Start Develocity
You can see the status of Develocity starting up by examining its pods.
$ kubectl --namespace develocity get pods
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE gradle-enterprise-operator-76694c949d-md5dh 1/1 Running 0 39s gradle-monitoring-5545d7d5d8-lpm9x 1/1 Running 0 39s gradle-database-65d975cf8-dk7kw 0/2 Init:0/2 0 39s gradle-build-cache-node-57b9bdd46d-2txf5 0/1 Init:0/1 0 39s gradle-proxy-0 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 39s gradle-metrics-cfcd8f7f7-zqds9 0/1 Running 0 39s gradle-test-distribution-broker-6fd84c6988-x6jvw 0/1 Init:0/1 0 39s gradle-keycloak-0 0/1 Pending 0 39s gradle-enterprise-app-0 0/1 Pending 0 39s
Eventually the pods should all report as Running
$ kubectl --namespace develocity get pods
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE gradle-enterprise-operator-76694c949d-md5dh 1/1 Running 0 4m gradle-monitoring-5545d7d5d8-lpm9x 1/1 Running 0 4m gradle-proxy-0 1/1 Running 0 3m gradle-database-65d975cf8-dk7kw 2/2 Running 0 3m gradle-enterprise-app-0 1/1 Running 0 3m gradle-metrics-cfcd8f7f7-zqds9 1/1 Running 0 3m gradle-test-distribution-broker-6fd84c6988-x6jvw 1/1 Running 0 3m gradle-build-cache-node-57b9bdd46d-2txf5 1/1 Running 0 4m gradle-keycloak-0 1/1 Running 0 3m
5. Configure the Hostname
If you intend to use a custom hostname to access your Develocity instance, you now need to add the appropriate DNS records.
You can find the ALB generated hostname by describing your ingress:
kubectl get ingress --namespace develocity -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
yielding something like:
record for your hostname that points to the public hostname of your ALB. CNAME
You should verify that your DNS record works correctly, such as by using dig
Alternatively, you can use the hostname generated by AWS. In this case you have to update your helm values by running
$ helm upgrade \
--namespace develocity \
develocity \
gradle/gradle-enterprise \
--reuse-values \
and update the imported certificate with
as a common or subject alternative name.
You can use AWS’s DNS Service, Route 53, to easily route traffic to your ALB by following this guide. |
If you are installing Develocity in a highly available setup, we recommend submitting a ticket at[] for assistance.
Develocity has a /ping
endpoint, which can be used to verify network connectivity with Develocity.
Connectivity to Develocity installation can be tested by running the following command on machines which need to connect to Develocity:
$ curl -sw \\n --fail-with-body --show-error https://«develocity-host»/ping
It should return SUCCESS
Once all pods have a status of Running
and the system is up and connected, you can interact with it by visiting its URL in a web browser (i.e. the hostname).

Develocity is installed and running.
If you have decided to use a self-signed certificate, then you need to add this certificate to SSL trust
in Develocity Administration. To do so, visit https://«develocity-host»/admin/network/ssl-trust and enter the certificate from 4. Install Ingress Controller.
Many features of Develocity, including access control, database backups, and Build Scan retention can be configured in Develocity, once it is running. Consult the Develocity Administration guide to learn more.
For instructions on how to start using Develocity in your builds, consult the Getting Started with Develocity for Gradle users guide.
Appendix A: Using Amazon RDS
This appendix will walk you through using an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance as your database.
1. Obtain the Required Permissions
You need permission to create and manage Amazon RDS instances and security groups.
The necessary permissions are granted using the AmazonRDSFullAccess
AWS managed policy.
2. Set up an RDS Instance
Develocity is compatible with PostgreSQL 12, 13, or 14. The minimum storage space required is 250 GB with 3,000 or more IOPS.
A. Create a root username and password
Create a root username and password for the database instance, refered to below as «db-root-username»
and «db-root-password»
, respectively. These are the credentials you will use for your database connection; save them somewhere secure.
B. Create a security group and enable ingress
Before creating the database, you have to create a security group in the VPC you want to use.
In this tutorial you will use the eksctl
created VPC used by your cluster.
You can use a different VPC, but you will need to make the RDS instance accessible from your cluster (e.g. by peering the VPCs).
To create the security group, run:
aws ec2 describe-vpcs \
--filters Name=tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name,Values=eksctl-develocity-cluster \
--query Vpcs[0].VpcId \
--output text
$ aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name ge-db-sg \
--description "Develocity DB security group" \
--vpc-id ${CLUSTER_VPC_ID}
Then enable ingress to the RDS instance from your cluster for port 5432 by running:
aws eks describe-cluster --name develocity \
--query cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.clusterSecurityGroupId --output text
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=ge-db-sg \
--query 'SecurityGroups[0].GroupId' --output text
$ aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
--protocol tcp --port 5432 \
--source-group ${CLUSTER_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} \
C. Create a subnet group
Before creating the database, you need to create a subnet group to specify how the RDS instance will be networked.
This subnet group must have subnets in two availability zones, and typically should use private subnets.
has already created private subnets you can use.
Create a subnet group containing them by running:
aws ec2 describe-vpcs \
--filters Name=tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name,Values=eksctl-develocity-cluster \
--query Vpcs[0].VpcId \
--output text
aws ec2 describe-subnets \
--query 'Subnets[?!MapPublicIpOnLaunch].SubnetId' \
--filters Name=vpc-id,Values=${CLUSTER_VPC_ID} --output text
$ aws rds create-db-subnet-group --db-subnet-group-name ge-db-subnet-group \
--db-subnet-group-description "Develocity DB subnet group" \
--subnet-ids ${SUBNET_IDS}
Consult RDS’s subnet group documentation for more details on subnet groups and their requirements. |
D. Create the RDS instance
Create the RDS instance:
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=ge-db-sg \
--query 'SecurityGroups[0].GroupId' --output text
aws rds describe-db-engine-versions \
--engine postgres \
--engine-version 14 \(1)
--default-only \
--query 'DBEngineVersions[0].EngineVersion' \
--output text
1 | The latest major version of Postgres that Develocity supports. |
$ aws rds create-db-instance \
--engine postgres \
--engine-version ${RDS_POSTGRES_VERSION} \
--db-instance-identifier develocity-database \
--db-name gradle_enterprise \
--allocated-storage 250 \(1)
--iops 3000 \(2)
--db-instance-class db.m5.large \
--db-subnet-group-name ge-db-subnet-group \
--backup-retention-period 3 \(3)
--no-publicly-accessible \
--vpc-security-group-ids ${RDS_SECURITY_GROUP_ID} \
--master-username «db-root-username» \
--master-user-password «db-root-password»
1 | Develocity should be installed with 250GB of database storage to start with. |
2 | Develocity’s data volumes and database should support at least 3,000 IOPS. |
3 | The backup retention period, in days. |
While you don’t configure it here, RDS supports storage autoscaling.
Consult AWS’s database creation guide and the CLI command reference for more details on RDS instance creation. |
You can view the status of your instance with:
$ aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier develocity-database
Wait until the DBInstanceStatus
is available
Once available
, you can see the hostname of the instance under Endpoint
> Address
. This is the hostname you will use to connect to the instance, subsequently referred to as «database-hostname»
(Optional) 3. Configure the RDS instance for IAM authentication
Develocity supports connecting to the database using IAM authentication. This optional step describes how to configure your RDS instance to allow IAM database authentication for all the database users that Develocity will connect as (including the superuser, although it is possible for Develocity to not require superuser access, as explained in the Database setup with IAM database authentication section of the Kubernetes Helm chart Configuration Guide). If you would like to use the simpler configuration option of providing Develocity with your RDS instance’s root username and password, skip ahead to the next step.
A. Enable IAM database authentication on the RDS instance
To modify your created RDS database instance to allow IAM database authentication, run:
$ aws rds modify-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier develocity-database \
--apply-immediately \
B. Create a policy allowing database access
To create a role which is permitted to connect to the RDS database as the required database users, using IAM authentication, create a policy.json
file with the following content:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Then run the following commands:
$ CONFIGURED_REGION=$(aws configure list | grep region | awk '{print $2}') (1)
1 | If awk isn’t available, you can set this environment variable directly. You can view your configured AWS region with aws configure list | grep region . |
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
aws rds describe-db-instances \
--db-instance-identifier develocity-database \
--query 'DBInstances[0].DbiResourceId' \
--output text
$ sed -i "s/«account-id»/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" ./policy.json (1)
$ sed -i "s/«region»/${CONFIGURED_REGION}/g" ./policy.json
$ sed -i "s/«dbi-resource-id»/${DBI_RESOURCE_ID}/g" ./policy.json
$ sed -i "s/«superuser»/«db-root-username»/g" ./policy.json (2)
1 | The policy.json file you created. |
2 | Replace «db-root-username» with the username you chose when creating your RDS instance’s root credentials. |
$ aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name "develocity-rds-access" \
--policy-document file://policy.json (1)
1 | The policy.json file you created. |
C. Create a role for EKS
To allow Develocity to connect to RDS using the policy you just created, you need to create an IAM role that has attached to it the policy you just created. Kubernetes service accounts in EKS need to be able to assume this role.
If you have already created and configured an IAM role while setting up access to an S3 bucket for Build Scan storage, you should skip the step for creating a new EKS IAM service account, and instead you need to attach your RDS access policy to the existing role you have created. To do this, run the following commands:
The same name has been used for the role in both sections. |
To associate a Kubernetes service account with an AWS IAM role, we need to use an AWS OIDC provider.
We already installed one when setting up the EBS CSI driver, so we can use it here.
To create an IAM role which can be assumed by Kubernetes service accounts in EKS using the policy you just created, run the following commands:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ POLICY_ARN="arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/develocity-rds-access"
$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name develocity-app \
--namespace develocity \
--cluster develocity \
--approve \
--role-only \
--role-name eksctl-managed-Develocity_Application_Role \
--attach-policy-arn ${POLICY_ARN}
4. Configure Develocity with RDS
Add one of the two following configuration snippets to your Helm values file:
Option 1 - For Develocity to connect to the database using username-password credentials
location: user-managed
host: «database-hostname»
databaseName: gradle_enterprise
username: «db-root-username» (1)
password: «db-root-password» (1)
1 | The credentials you chose earlier. |
This action embeds your database superuser credentials in your Helm values file. It must be kept secure. If you prefer to provide the credentials as a Kubernetes secret, consult Develocity’s Database options. |
Option 2 - For Develocity to connect to the database using IAM authentication
For this option to work, you need to have followed the instructions above to enable and configure IAM database authentication. |
location: user-managed
provider: aws-rds
host: «database-hostname»
databaseName: gradle_enterprise
type: irsa
"": "arn:aws:iam::«account-id»:role/eksctl-managed-Develocity_Application_Role"
username: «db-root-username» (1)
1 | The RDS root username you chose earlier. |
You can substitute «database-hostname»
in the Helm values file by running (verbatim):
aws rds describe-db-instances \
--db-instance-identifier develocity-database \
--query 'DBInstances[0].Endpoint.Address' \
--output text
$ sed -i "s/«database-hostname»/${DATABASE_HOSTNAME}/g" path/to/values.yaml
You can substitute «account-id»
in the Helm values file if necessary by running (verbatim):
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ sed -i "s/«account-id»/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" path/to/values.yaml
The superuser is only used to set up the database and create migrator and application users. You can avoid using the superuser by setting up the database yourself, as described in the Database options section of Develocity’s installation manual. Please contact Gradle support for help with this. |
Appendix B: Storing Build Scans in S3
This appendix will walk you through using an Amazon S3 bucket to store Build Scans®.
1. Obtain the required permissions
You will need permission to create and manage Amazon S3 buckets. You also need to create IAM policies, roles, and instance profiles, but you already have permission to do that from the eksctl
The necessary permissions can be easily granted by using the AmazonS3FullAccess
AWS managed policy.
2. Set up a S3 Bucket and Allow Access
Create an S3 bucket and create an IAM policy that allows access to it. Then, associate that policy with your EC2 instance.
A. Create a S3 bucket
To create the S3 bucket, run:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ aws s3 mb s3://develocity-${ACCOUNT_ID} (1)
1 | S3 bucket names must be unique across all AWS accounts, within groups of regions. We recommend using your account ID as a suffix. |
If you have multiple installations of Develocity you want to use S3 storage with, either add a suffix or use the same bucket with a different scans object prefix. |
B. Create a policy allowing bucket access
To create a role allowing access to your bucket, first create a policy.json
file with the following content:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Then run the following commands:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ sed -i "s/«account-id»/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" ./policy.json (1)
$ aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name "develocity-s3-access" \ (1)
--policy-document file://policy.json (2)
1 | Even though we aren’t using eksctl to create this policy, using the eksctl- prefix avoids the need for additional permissions. |
2 | The policy.json file you created. |
C. Create a role for EKS
To allow Develocity to access the S3 bucket using the policy you just created, you need to create an IAM role and attach that policy to it. Then, you need to allow Kubernetes service accounts in your Develocity instance’s EKS cluster’s namespace to assume this role.
If you have already created and configured an IAM role while setting up IAM database authentication for RDS, you should skip the step for creating a new EKS IAM service account, and instead you need to attach your S3 bucket access policy to the existing role you have created. To do this, run the following commands:
The same name has been used for the role in both sections. |
To associate the service account with an AWS IAM role, we need to use an AWS OIDC provider.
We already installed one when setting up the EBS CSI driver, so we can use it here.
To create an IAM role which can be assumed by Kubernetes service accounts in EKS using the policy you just created, run the following commands:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ POLICY_ARN="arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/develocity-s3-access"
$ eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name develocity-app \
--namespace develocity \
--cluster develocity \
--approve \
--role-only \
--role-name eksctl-managed-Develocity_Application_Role \
--attach-policy-arn ${POLICY_ARN}
3. Update your installation’s resource requirements
When using S3 Build Scan storage, Develocity uses more memory.
To update Develocity’s memory usage specification, update your Helm values file with the following values:
memory: 6Gi (1)
memory: 6Gi (1)
1 | If you have already set a custom value here, instead increase it by 2Gi . |
When adding items to your Helm values file, merge any duplicate blocks. |
You may need to scale up your cluster or use nodes with more memory to be able to satisfy the increased memory requirements. See section 1. Create a Cluster for scaling instructions. |
If you are additionally using the background processor component, you should also update its values:
memory: 6Gi (1)
memory: 6Gi (1)
1 | If you have already set a custom value here, instead increase it by 2Gi . |
Permissions when the background processor is enabled
If you have enabled the background processor component, we recommend creating separate roles with different attached IAM policies for the enterprise and enterpriseBackgroundProcessor components, so that each pod in the installation has no more permissions than it needs.
If enterpriseBackgroundProcessor
is enabled in values.yaml
the policy attached to the role of
does not requires3:DeleteObject
permission -
the policy attached to the role of
requires thes3:DeleteObject
If enterpriseBackgroundProcessor
pod is not enabled in values.yaml
the policy attached to the role of
requires thes3:DeleteObject
See Appendix A: Background processing configuration in the Develocity Kubernetes Helm Chart Configuration Guide for more information about the background processor component.
4. Configure Build Scans with S3
Develocity must now be configured to use S3. To do this, you must use the unattended configuration mechanism.
Develocity can store Build Scans in either the configured database or in the configured object store. The unattended configuration mechanism lets you configure which of these is used to store Build Scans as part of a configuration file, which can be embedded in your Helm values file as described in the unattended configuration guide.
This section will describe how to extend your Helm values file to include the correct unattended configuration block for S3 Build Scan storage.
First we need to create a minimal unattended configuration file. This requires you to choose a password for the system user and hash it. To do this, install Develocityctl.
Then run:
$ develocityctl config-file hash -o secret.txt -s -
To hash your password from stdin
and write it to secret.txt
. We will refer to the hashed password as «hashed-system-password»
To use your S3 bucket, add the following to your Helm values file:
version: 11 (1)
systemPassword: "«hashed-system-password»" (2)
incomingStorageType: objectStorage
heapMemory: 5632 (3)
type: s3
bucket: develocity-build-scans-«account-id» (4)
region: «region» (5)
type: irsa (6)
"": "arn:aws:iam::«account-id»:role/eksctl-managed-Develocity_Application_Role" (4)
1 | The version of the unattended configuration. |
2 | Your hashed system password. |
3 | If you have already set a custom value here, instead increase it by 2048 . |
4 | «account-id» is the ID of your AWS account, which we will substitute below. |
5 | The region where your S3 bucket resides, which should be your current region. Viewable by running aws configure list | grep region . |
6 | The type of AWS credentials, in this example, the IAM Roles for Service Account, as described in IAM Roles for Service Account credentials configuration. If you used AWS access key credentials, you must update your configuration, as described in Keys credentials configuration. |
Then substitute «account-id»
in the Helm values file by running:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ sed -i "s/«account-id»/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" path/to/values.yaml
Once you have updated your Helm values file as described above, you need to reapply it using the method described in Changing Configuration Values. This will update your Develocity installation to use the unattended configuration you created above, and Develocity will restart.
5. Verify S3 Storage is Used
Develocity will start even if your S3 configuration is incorrect. |
To confirm that Develocity is storing incoming Build Scans in S3 and also able to read Build Scan data from S3, you should first upload a new Build Scan to your Develocity instance. Second, confirm that you can view the Build Scan. Finally, confirm that the Build Scan is stored in your S3 bucket, by running:
$ ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
$ aws s3 ls s3://develocity-${ACCOUNT_ID}/build-scans/ \(1)
--recursive --human-readable --summarize
1 | If you used a custom prefix, use it here instead of build-scans . |
2022-09-27 19:11:06 6.6 KiB build-scans/2022/09/27/aprvi3bnnxyzm Total Objects: 1 Total Size: 6.6 KiB