All Classes and Interfaces

An EventData that is published when an Android plugin has been applied to the build.
Specifies the type of Android plugin.
An encounter of a Java annotation processor.
A single invocation of an annotation processor
Information about all Java annotation processing that occurred during the build.
A dependency attribute.
An EventData containing memory details of the JVM that executed the build.
An EventData containing memory details of the JVM that executed the build.
An EventData containing details about the build agent that executed the build.
The reason the cache artifact is rejected by the remote build cache.
An EventData describing the build cache configuration of the build.
Represents the effective configuration of a build cache connector.
An EventData that is published when a build cache local load artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a local build cache load artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has started.
A type of build cache operation.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when the remote build cache is being disabled due to a failure.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote load artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote load artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote load artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote load artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache remote store artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when the build has completed.
An EventData that is published when the build has completed.
An EventData that is emitted when Gradle identified a build.
An EventData containing details of the Gradle build modes enabled (or not) for the build.
An EventData containing the requested build tasks to be executed, and the explicitly excluded tasks.
Indicates the build's decision whether to publish the build scan in a background process.
An EventData that is published when a buildSrc build has finished.
An EventData that is published when a buildSrc build has started.
An EventData that is published at the start of the build.
An EventData that is published when the build is aborted.
Information about the local cache behavior during a single build.
An EventData that is published when an action has finished executing.
An EventData that is published when an action has started executing.
Information about the actions executed during a single build.
An EventData that is published when the build has completed.
An EventData that is published when the build has completed.
An EventData that is describing a build metadata item.
An EventData that is published when a build phase has started.
An EventData that is published when the build has started.
An EventData that is published when the build has started.
An EventData containing the configuration of a Bazel build.
An EventData indicating the critical path of the build, i.e.
Some details about a failure.
An EventData that is published when an action's outputs have finished downloading from the remote cache.
An EventData that is published when an action's outputs are downloaded from the remote cache.
An EventData containing some progress logging emitted by the build.
An EventData containing a structured representation of the command line invocation of the build.
An EventData representing a single section of the Bazel structured command line of a build.
An EventData representing a single section chunk of the Bazel structured command line of a build.
An EventData representing a single section option of the Bazel structured command line of a build.
An EventData indicating that all actions related to this target are done and all outputs of this target are up-to-date again.
An EventData indicating that all actions related to this target are done and all outputs of this target are up-to-date again.
An EventData indicating that a target has been configured.
Sent when Bazel finishes a test.
Sent when Bazel executes a test.
Sent when an attempt for a test target has finished.
Sent when an attempt for a test target has finished, and expands on the base class by keeping the details of why an attempt was aborted, if it indeed was.
Sent when an attempt for a test target has started.
An EventData that is describing a workspace status item.
A dependency capability.
Timing information about callbacks registered with domain object collections that were executed.
An execution of a collection callback.
A reference to an entity that was associated with a collection callback execution.
The different types of entities that can be can collection callback participants.
A component of a resolved dependency graph.
A component of a resolved dependency graph.
A component of a resolved dependency graph.
A component dependency.
A component dependency.
A component dependency.
An opaque identifier for a Component_1_0 instance.
A component selection description, which wraps a cause with an optional custom description.
Specifies the reason a component was selected during dependency resolution.
Contains the invalidation for a single build.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache finished checking the configuration cache fingerprint of the build.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache started checking the configuration cache fingerprint of the build.
Specifies the overall result of the configuration cache fingerprint check.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache finishes loading a configuration cache entry.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache finishes loading a configuration cache entry.
Provides the result of the configuration cache load.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache starts loading a configuration cache entry.
Contains data of a single invalidated project.
Indicates the build's decision whether to use the Configuration Cache.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache finishes storing a configuration cache entry.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache finishes storing a configuration cache entry.
Provides the result of the configuration cache store.
An EventData that is published when Gradle's configuration cache starts storing a configuration cache entry.
The configuration that contains transitive dependencies of the input artifact.
A reference to the configuration parent of an event.
Indicates the type of domain object that is the parent.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a configuration's dependencies has finished.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a configuration's dependencies has finished.
An EventData that is published when the resolution of a configuration's dependencies has finished.
An EventData that is published when the resolution of a configuration's dependencies has finished.
Details about the result of dependency resolution.
Details about the result of dependency resolution.
The result of resolving a dependency configuration.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a configuration's dependencies has started.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a configuration's dependencies has started.
Indicates that the dependencies of a configuration are about to be resolved.
Indicates that the dependencies of a configuration are about to be resolved.
An EventData containing details about the state of the Gradle Daemon running the build.
An EventData containing details about the state of the Gradle Daemon running the build.
An EventData that is published if the Gradle Daemon has become unhealthy in way that requires it to be terminated at the end of the build.
An individual usage of a deprecated Gradle feature.
The logical thing that is responsible for a deprecated usage.
Indicates the type of domain object that “owns” a deprecated usage.
The stack traces for usages of deprecated Gradle features during the build.
The stack traces for usages of deprecated Gradle features during the build.
A description of the deprecation of a Gradle feature that was used, one or more times, during the build.
A description of the deprecation of a Gradle feature that was used, one or more times, during the build.
An EventData containing encoding details of the JVM that executed the build.
Emitted when the root build's 'End-Of-Build' phase started.
An EventData that is published when the build settings have been evaluated.
An EventData that is published when the build settings evaluation has started.
A class to represent a Throwable that occurred during the build.
A representation of an exception that occurred during the build.
All of the exceptions thrown during the build, that were attached to events.
All of the exceptions thrown during the build, that were attached to events.
A flattened tree of exceptions and causes, starting with a root Exception_2_0.
Emitted when the execution phase of the root build started.
Acts as a reference to a file.
An EventData containing the roots against which file paths can be made relative to.
Specifies the types of roots against which file paths can be made relative to.
Indicates the build's decision whether to watch the file system.
An EventData that is published when Gradle has loaded and started the build.
Indicates the Gradle versions which possibly issue a given EventData type.
An EventData containing details about the hardware the build executed on.
Indicates the build's decision whether to use the Isolated Projects.
An EventData containing details about a Java toolchain.
An EventData containing details about the usages of a Java tool from a Java toolchain within a given task.
An EventData containing details about the JVM that executed the build.
An EventData containing the input arguments passed to the JVM that executed the build.
Indicates the completion of a lifecycle listener execution.
Indicates the start of a build lifecycle listener.
An EventData that is published when a build has finished loading.
Indicates the loading of a build, of which there may be more than one.
An EventData that is published when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
An EventData that is published when loading projects for a build has started.
An EventData containing locality details of the JVM that executed the build.
Indicates the Maven extension versions which possibly issue a given EventData type.
Indicates the Maven versions which possibly issue a given EventData type.
Details about a memory pool at a particular point in time.
Reasons for not finding an action in the cache.
A ComponentIdentity implementation for module dependencies.
An EventData containing memory details of the JVM that executed the build.
An EventData containing details about the build agent that executed the build.
The reason for the cache artifact not being stored by the remote build cache.
An EventData describing the build cache configuration of the build.
Represents the effective configuration of the local build cache.
An EventData that is published when a local build cache load artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a local build cache load artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a local build cache store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a local build cache store artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache pack artifact operation has started.
Represents the effective configuration of the remote build cache.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache load artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache load artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache store artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a remote build cache store artifact operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a build cache unpack artifact operation has started.
The category explaining why a goal execution was not cacheable.
This type describes the authentication configured for the remote build cache connector.
An EventData that is published when the build has completed.
An EventData containing details of the Maven build modes enabled (or not) for the build.
An EventData containing the goals or lifecycle phases that the user requested to execute.
Indicates the build's decision whether to publish the build scan in a background process.
An EventData that is published at the start of the build.
An EventData containing a Maven Build Cache extension cache report.
A component of a resolved dependency graph.
A component dependency.
An identifier for a MvnComponent_1_0 instance.
An EventData which represents all dependency data for a given build.
The completion of a download from a remote repository during dependency resolution.
A reference to a thing within the build that caused a dependency resolution download to occur.
A type of thing within the build that caused a dependency resolution download to occur.
The start of a download from a remote repository during dependency resolution.
An summary of the time spent on dependency resolution activity during the build.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a project's dependencies has finished.
Details about the result of dependency resolution.
An EventData that is published when resolution of a project's dependencies has started.
An EventData containing encoding details of the JVM that executed the build.
A representation of an exception that occurred during the build.
All of the exceptions thrown during the build, that were attached to events.
An EventData that is published at the end of the execution phase.
An EventData that is published at the start of the execution phase.
An EventData containing details about an extension applied to the build.
Type of application for an extension.
A listener provided by a Maven extension.
Type of listener provided by an extension.
Acts as a reference to a file.
An EventData containing the roots against which file paths can be made relative to.
Specifies the types of roots against which file paths can be made relative to.
The category explaining why a goal execution was not cacheable.
Indicates that a goal has finished executing.
The outcome of a goal execution.
Indicates that a goal has started executing.
Indicates the build's decision whether to capture goal input file fingerprints for this build.
The hashes of the file input properties for a goal.
A root of a goal file input property.
A file system child of a MvnGoalInputsFilePropertyRoot_1_0.
Indicates that fingerprinting the inputs of a goal execution has completed.
Indicates that fingerprinting the inputs of a goal execution has completed.
Provides the hashes of goal inputs.
Indicates that fingerprinting the inputs of a goal execution has started.
A hash of the implementation of a goal.
The names of the input and output properties of a goal.
The hashes of the value (i.e.
An EventData containing details about the hardware the build executed on.
An EventData containing details about the JVM that executed the build.
An EventData containing locality details of the JVM that executed the build.
Details about a memory pool at a particular point in time.
Indicates a test that was not selected, and why.
Indicates the test duration estimate, as this event's relative temporal position to the corresponding MvnNotSelectedTest_1_0 event.
An EventData containing details about the operating system that executed the build.
A reference to the owner of an output event.
Indicates the type of domain object that “owns” output.
A styled span of text in a single output line.
An EventData that is published when a Maven line is printed to System.out or System.err.
An EventData containing details about a plugin applied to the build.
An EventData representing the application of a plugin to a project.
Information about a process captured as part resource usage.
The type of the process captured by resource usage.
Details about a project.
An EventData that is published at the end of the execution of each project.
The outcome of a project.
An EventData that is published at the start of the execution of each project.
An EventData containing details about the project structure of the build.
An EventData containing details about the project structure of the build.
Captures information about the actual demand of remote test executors for a test task.
An EventData containing details about a Maven repository used by the build.
An EventData containing details about a Maven repository policy.
The machine resource usage information captured while the build is running.
The machine resource usage information captured while the build is running.
An indexed and normalized representation of an array of samples.
A normalized representation of a list of samples.
An EventData describing the scope IDs of the build invocation.
The PTS selection profile that has been used in this build to determine the relevant tests.
An EventData that is published at the end of the settings building.
An EventData that is published at the start of the settings building.
A frame within a stack trace.
An exception stack trace.
Indicates the build's decision whether to capture tests for this build.
Indicates that the test discovery phase of a test goal has finished.
Indicates the start of the test discovery phase of a test goal.
Captures the Test Distribution configuration for a test goal.
Captures the data about the test executor assigned to execute test classes of a test goal.
The reason for assigning test executor to a particular test.
Captures the data about the test executor released from executing test classes of a test goal.
The executor restriction that might have been configured for a test class.
Tracks file transfer size and duration.
An EventData that is published when a test has finished executing.
Captures test goal execution configuration.
Indicates the completion of a batch of input file transfers from build to Test Distribution Broker.
Indicates the start of a batch of input file transfers from build to Test Distribution Broker.
An EventData that is published when a test writes to the standard output or standard error during test execution.
Indicates the completion of output file transfer from test executor to build client.
Indicates the start of output file transfer from test executor to build client.
Indicates why a selection request was not successful.
Indicates the culmination and success or failure outcome of the selection process.
Indicates the culmination and success or failure outcome of the selection process.
The mode used for selecting tests.
Indicates the beginning of the selection process.
An EventData that is published when a test has started executing.
Type of the observed test container.
An EventData that is published at the end of the toolchains building.
An EventData that is published at the start of the toolchains building.
Indicates the build's decision what data to capture for this build.
An EventData that is published when a custom link has been applied to the build.
An EventData that is published when a custom named value has been applied to the build.
An EventData that is published when a custom tag has been applied to the build.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has finished.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has finished.
A reference to the owner of a network download activity event.
Indicates the type of domain object that "owns" the download.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has started.
An EventData that is published when a network download operation has started.
Specifies the semantical type of download operation.
Indicates a test that was not selected, and why.
Indicates the test duration estimate, as this event's relative temporal position to the corresponding NotSelectedTest_1_0 event.
An EventData containing details about the operating system that executed the build.
Common details of an output event.
An EventData that is published when a Gradle output log event occurs.
An EventData that is published when a Gradle output log event occurs.
An EventData that is published when a Gradle output log event occurs.
A reference to the owner of an output event.
Indicates the type of domain object that “owns” output.
An output message with an associated render style.
An EventData that is published when a Gradle output styled text event occurs.
An EventData that is published when a Gradle output styled text event occurs.
A node that is part of the task graph execution plan.
A task that is part of the task graph execution plan.
Indicates that a planned artifact transform has finished executing.
Indicates that a planned artifact transform has finished executing.
A planned artifact transform identity.
Indicates that a planned artifact transform has started executing.
An EventData that is published when applying a plugin has finished.
An EventData that is published when applying a plugin has started.
An EventData that is published when a plugin has been applied to the build.
Specifies the code source type of a plugin.
Indicates the plugin versions which possibly issue a given EventData type.
Information about a process captured as part resource usage.
The type of the process captured by resource usage.
Details about a project.
Details about a project.
An EventData containing details about afterEvaluate lifecycle hook execution finish.
An EventData containing details about afterEvaluate lifecycle hook execution start.
An EventData containing details about beforeEvaluate lifecycle hook execution finish.
An EventData containing details about beforeEvaluate lifecycle hook execution start.
A ComponentIdentity implementation for project dependencies.
An EventData that is published when project evaluation has finished for a project.
An EventData that is published when project evaluation has finished for a project.
An EventData that is published when project evaluation has finished for a project.
An EventData that is published when project evaluation has started for a project.
An EventData that is published when project evaluation has started for a project.
An EventData that is published when all projects for the build have been evaluated.
An EventData containing details about projectsEvaluated lifecycle hook execution finish.
An EventData containing details about projectsEvaluated lifecycle hook execution start.
An EventData that is published when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
An EventData containing details about projectsLoaded lifecycle hook execution finish.
An EventData containing details about projectsLoaded lifecycle hook execution start.
An EventData containing details about the project structure of the build.
An EventData containing details about the project structure of the build.
An EventData containing details about the project structure of the build.
Captures information about the actual demand of remote test executors for a test task.
A dependency repository used during the build.
The set of tasks that the build invocation resolved to.
The machine resource usage information captured while the build is running.
The machine resource usage information captured while the build is running.
An indexed and normalized representation of an array of samples.
A normalized representation of a list of samples.
An EventData describing the scope IDs of the build invocation.
An EventData that is published when applying a script has finished.
An EventData that is published when applying a script has started.
Indicates the end of a script compilation operation.
Indicates the start of a compilation operation for a build logic script.
An EventData that is published when the build settings have been evaluated.
A frame within a stack trace.
A frame within a stack trace.
An exception stack trace.
Indicates that a task action has finished executing.
Indicates that a task action has started executing.
Indicates that a task has finished executing.
Emitted when the task graph for a build has been calculated.
Emitted when the task graph for a build has been calculated.
Emitted when the task graph for a build is starting to be calculated.
Emitted when the task graph for a build is starting to be calculated.
An EventData containing details about task graph whenReady lifecycle hook execution finish.
An EventData containing details about task graph whenReady lifecycle hook execution start.
A task identity.
The hashes of the file input properties for a task.
A root of a task file input property.
A file system child of a TaskInputsFilePropertyRoot_1_0.
Indicates the build's decision whether to capture task input file snapshots for this build.
A hash of the implementation of a task.
The names of the input and output properties of a task.
Indicates that snapshotting the inputs of a task has completed, and provides the hashes of the inputs.
Indicates that snapshotting the inputs of a task has completed, and provides the hashes of the inputs.
Provides the hashes of task inputs.
Indicates that snapshotting the inputs of a task has started.
An EventData describing the task inputs participating in incremental build and task output caching.
The hashes of the value (i.e.
The outcome of a task execution.
The reason why the output of a task is not cacheable.
An EventData that is published at the end of task realization.
An EventData that is published when a task is realized.
An EventData that is published at the end of task registration.
An EventData that is published when a task is registered for creation.
An EventData that is published at the end of the build and contains the total number of registered tasks.
Indicates that a task has started executing.
Indicates that the test discovery phase of a test task has finished.
Indicates the start of the test discovery phase of a test task.
Captures the Test Distribution configuration for a test task.
Captures the data about the test executor assigned to execute test classes of a test task.
Captures the data about the test executor released from executing test classes of a test task.
Tracks file transfer size and duration.
An EventData that is published when a test has finished running.
An EventData that is published when a test has finished running.
Indicates the end of a file transfer batch (there can be mutliple batches per task).
Indicates the start of a file transfer batch.
An EventData that is published when a test writes to the standard output or standard error during test execution.
Indicates the end of a file transfer batch (there can be mutliple batches per task).
Indicates the start of a file transfer batch.
Indicates why a selection request was not successful.
Indicates the culmination and success or failure outcome of the selection process.
Indicates the culmination and success or failure outcome of the selection process.
The mode used for selecting tests.
Indicates the beginning of the selection process.
An EventData that is published when a test has started executing.
Captures test task configuration.
Indicates that a transform action has finished.
Indicates that a transform action has started.
Indicates that an artifact transform execution has finished.
Indicates that snapshotting the inputs of a transform execution has completed, and provides the hashes of the inputs.
Indicates that snapshotting the inputs of a transform execution has started.
The outcome of a transform execution.
Indicates that an artifact transform execution request occurred on a given node.
Indicates that an artifact transform execution has been skipped.
Indicates that an artifact transform execution has started.
An artifact transform identification.
The outcome of a transform execution.
A ComponentIdentity implementation for unknown dependency types.
Indicates the build's decision what data to capture for this build.
A reference to an application of user code.
Indicates the type of domain object that “owns” output.
An EventData that is published when a custom link has been applied to the build.
An EventData that is published when a custom named value has been applied to the build.
An EventData that is published when a custom tag has been applied to the build.
A dependency variant.
A dependency variant.